Sustainability and resource-saving management remain is a long-term challenge for companies. Ecology, economy and social issues should be in harmony.
But what does it really mean to produce climate-neutrally?
The central prerequisite for climate-neutral production is the sufficient availability of climate-neutral electricity and heat. But also the purchase of the individual components, amounts with many enterprises exclusively to a global supply chain. They are often unfamiliar with regional partners from whom they purchase of have produced.
„The idea of sustainability combines economic efficiency with ecological responsibility and social justice. These three goals are interdependent. For in the long term, no economic growth is conceivable that is based on overexploitation of nature or social injustice. This realization is an expression of our responsibility, not only for present but also for future generations.” (see Federal Government 2008, 11).
Here we have summarized the 5 most important reasons why companies should definitely focus on sustainability:
1. Sustainability is becoming increasingly important
Responsible action is becoming a trend that no company can afford to miss. For growth and sustainability, many companies are even pushing the boundaries of their comfort zone. Because those who manage to be sustainable, especially in difficult times, on the one hand set an example in business and on the other hand create a better future for the next generations.What’s new: A green image is seen as an important aspect of corporate branding and a powerful marketing tool, both for customer and personnel recruitment. True to the motto “Do good and talk about it.” the course can be set in the right direction.
2. Sustainable production ensures higher quality standards
In addition to the actual products, the production processes and production conditions have a strong impact on our environment. Sustainability in the company is not only a challenge but also an opportunity. Fair working conditions, environmental protection and the careful use of resources are rewarded by consumers, because sustainability can be proven in concrete terms. This is an enormous plus point for credibility as a company.
3. Customer loyalty because of sustainable action is the key to success
Sustainability is becoming more and more important for customers: An ethically correct and resource-saving company philosophy is an essential component of customer loyalty. If customers use a company’s services with a clear conscience and feel that they are doing something positive, they go from being mere consumers to real brand ambassadors.
4. Anyone who acts sustainably as a company is ahead of the game
The scarcity of resources has long since ceased to be a purely image-related issue, but a very real problem for business and society. Because of legal framework conditions the requirements are increasing. Those who set new standards as pioneers and are committed to sustainability out of conviction have a clear advantage and do not have to laboriously retrofit measures in the event of short-term changes in the law, but rather help shape them fundamentally.
5. Reducing costs through economical use of resources
The topic of conserving resources is an issue for companies that must be lived holistically. The philosophy behind it: Acting sustainably means taking an important step towards conscious thinking, e.g. in electricity, packaging and paper. If the concept is lived in the corporate culture, significant cost savings will be visible at the end of the year!